Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Masking Up

I've thought for the past month that it only made sense to cover our faces in public during the pandemic--that any kind of barrier would keep people safer than none. But there is that saying, "The perfect is the enemy of the good," and for weeks there a widespread official attitude that either you were a health professional who needed a medical-grade mask, or you were sick and needed some kind of mask (but why go out in public if sick?), or else you shouldn't consider covering your face.

This wasn't the case everywhere--for example, in the Czech Republic everyone's been wearing masks diligently--but you'd think the WHO, if not the CDC, would have grasped that even a cowboy-style (or anarchist-style) bandanna would be better than nothing in promoting public health.

Well, now we're encouraged to cover our faces. My sewing machine and fabric stash are buried deep in the housemate's room (formerly guestroom/sewing room), but there are plenty of non-sew options, and I have plenty of scarves and bandannas, plus do not go out in public much apart from walks where I'm not encountering anyone within six feet (often no one at all). So I don't currently need a large supply of protective gear, fortunately.

I will say, though, that if you're using those elastic ponytail items, you can't stretch them very far or they'll jump right off your ear.

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