Saturday, April 25, 2020

I Begin a Pullover

For the most part, my life during the pandemic is not as different from my normal life as is the case for most people. My teaching suddenly got much more time-consuming (and lower quality, alas), and I no longer get to do any of my work in libraries or cafes. Like most people, I haven't had a haircut. And I've attended two online meetings, bought two take-out pizzas, and occasionally (less often than before) pick up coffee and a pastry to take home. I've also accomplished a little more gardening than is typical for me at this time of year, and have watched two or three genealogy presentations (thank you Legacy for offering free ones this month).

However, being in the house nearly all the time makes one want somewhat more variety in one's amusements!

First, I began a puzzle that was waiting to be given to my mother. She enjoys jigsaw puzzles; I enjoy them too, but rarely do them because I become obsessive once I start one, and spending all day staring at puzzle pieces is not quite my idea of well-spent time. (No criticism of anyone other than myself who does this is intended.) Anyhow, I've nearly completed my mother's puzzle and am suspicious that she may find it too hard. It involves photos of a gazillion different cameras on a white background. Still, if I had let myself get really obsessive with it, I could probably have completed it in two days rather than a week.

With the prospect of lots and lots of grading in my immediate future, the idea of something more tactile and definitely non-computer-related began to draw me. I used to knit a fair amount--when taking BART to work each day, I could get about two hours of knitting done just on public transit. And later I used to make easy scarves while listening to holiday conversation--I'd give them to people later. But it had been more than ten years since I knit anything. I realized that one of my favorite cotton sweaters is missing and another is falling apart (neither was made by me, although they could have been). Clearly I needed to make myself a new spring sweater!

And so, with the help of a colleague, I found a place where I could make an appointment to look at yarn and patterns. I didn't find exactly the kind of pattern I was hoping for (one with an interesting but easy knit-purl design), but I did find a pattern for a simple stockinette stitch pullover with easy knit lace trim. And so it's launched!

The pattern and my gauge swatch...

And a bit of the lace edging for the bottom.

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