Saturday, February 12, 2022

My Novel Appears on a "Most Anticipated" List!

It's not easy publicizing a debut novel when your publisher is smaller and doesn't have the deep pockets and clout of a major house. It's true that no matter who the publisher is, these days the author tends to have to shoulder a lot of the publicity burden, but yes, there's more work to it for those of us without a big publicity department behind us. And so every little bit of support from others, whether it's individuals, groups, or media, means a lot. In fact, I was just reading a piece in the New York Times that points out that talent is never enough--even the Beatles needed specific moments of support early in their career. Without key people and key fans, they wouldn't have gotten a recording deal or risen on the charts.

And so, I'm very thankful to the good people at, who noticed In Search of the Magic Theater (possibly on one of the Goodreads 2022 Debut lists) and decided that it was a book they are particularly looking forward to reading. They've chosen books for a wide range of reading tastes, and included authors of quite a few different ethnicities and backgrounds, so it's an honor to find myself and some other authors of my acquaintance on their list.

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